Guns in school.
Are guns the Problem?
Guns are often blamed for mass school killings. The question is; are guns the cause? Let’s illuminate this idea with truth. First, remember that juvenile mass murders in the schools have never before happened in 5000 years of human history. So school mass killing are new. Second, gunpowder has been around for 500 years (since 9th century China) and repeating firearms have been around since 1849 (over 150 years), yet until the late 1970's, never once has a single child committed a multiple homicide in a school. There were a couple of mass shootings in the 1980's and then in the 1990s it really took off; Pearl High School, Paducah Kentucky, Jonesborough Arkansas, and Columbine Colorado, etc.
If you think the cause of this is the availability of guns, consider that for 100 years, 1860 to 1960 any kid could buy a rifle, pistol, or shotgun legally and have the mail service bring it right to their front door – yet mass murder in our schools did not happen.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that guns are not the problem, something else is going on, and something that never existed before in our society has begun to influence our children in horrible ways. Ask yourself, where are these killers getting the idea that murdering people is both fun and satisfying? Think about this.
We Can Have Safe Schools
Welcome to the Armed Teacher Website, which is packed with links to information about protecting school children from killers. Whether you are just curious, contemplating what is the right actions our society should take to stop the murders, or are seriously considering carrying a weapon in your classroom, you will find items of interest. Links to other pages will take you to additional links, so feel free to explore in depth.
Unsure as to where to begin? If so, we suggest you go to the "Imagine" link at the stop right of this page, and then spend some time learning about Columbine.
We can have safe schools now. Read the book
Safe Schools Now - Arming America's Teachers
to learn how to best protect our children in school.
Here is the same message from an expert in firearm safety - Massad Ayoob
Be sure to read the comments below this video when it ends.
 Front cover
Safe Schools
Mass Murderers Can be Stopped.
Why do mass murderers go to our schools to kill? Consider this - all school mass killings tend to have one common factor: they all take place in "gun-free" school zones. At Columbine High School, the Amish School, the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Sandy Hook elementary, Robb Elementary, and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school massacres, guns were not allowed by law. Yet the mass murders still happened. This is because laws only prescribe penalties. Laws have absolutely no power to keep a weapon out of a school. Crazy killers and terrorists will never obey the law establishing gun-free zones. They will take their machete, pistol, long knife, shotgun, or high–powered rifle into any school they choose. These murderers will kill teachers, administrative personnel, school guards, students, and even elementary school children, and because of these misguided laws there can be no one in the schools able to stop the killing!
This is insanity.
So then, how do we protect our school children? The only way to stop active shooters in our schools is to allow good guns in schools, controlled by good people. These good people, the armed teachers, will be present and ready to stop a killer with immediate, overwhelming force, greatly reducing the dead and injured. And don't forget, armed teachers are a great deterrent against a massacre even starting.
Peace and safety is needed for efficient student learning to take place. True peace and safety only exist when good, righteous people have the overwhelming power to stop a killer.
 New book available on Amazon - Front Cover
 New book available on Amazon - Back Cover
School Safety
Sandy Hook, Columbine, and other school massacres have caused the following question to be asked...
“How do we protect our children when they are in school?”
Now there is a definitive answer: Safe Schools Now provides a reasoned call to sanity on the issue of arming public school teachers.
In this book you will learn…
-Why the police can’t protect our school children.
-Why an armed guard
is not sufficient.
-What is more dangerous to your kids than a lone killer?
-Can teachers be trusted to carry a loaded firearm in the classroom?
-What do history and nature point to as the solution to our school-security problem?
-How do we as citizens make changes to assure the safest schools possible?
The Message of
Safe Schools Now
In most states our current laws do not allow public school teachers or school staff members to have the power to stop a killer who is using a deadly weapon on the children. These laws are upside down on the issue of making our schools safe for children. Until we correct our deadly, counterproductive laws, we can expect more school mass murders, more dead students, and more parents left in unanswered anguish.
The message of this book is that for the safety of our children, arming teachers in our public and private schools must be accomplished, and the sooner the better. Safe Schools Now will convince you that arming teachers is the best way to protect our children while they are at school, and that this is the only reliable method for preventing multiple-casualty killings that now occur too frequently in our “gun-free schools.”
For hundreds of years our schools have existed with a special place in the hearts of the American people, a place where peace reigns and children learn, where caring adults supervise them and guide their young lives. There was a time when no one would even think of entering a school to harm our children. Adults might battle with adults, but no one could imagine the senseless mass murder of innocent students of any age.
Times have changed, and there are now people living in our world who see innocent students as pawns for their own twisted purposes. They will harm and kill without hesitation for their own sadistic pleasure, for the notoriety, or for their cause’s glory. All they need is a weapon (gun, knife or club) and a large group of children where the adults are totally disarmed by law. These killers rejoice in the concept of the “gun-free school.”
It does not have to be this way.